We are not our thoughts!!


How many voices do you have going through your head each day? Lying menacing, relentless, idiotic, taunters.. faceless bullies begging u to agree with thoughts that “I’m not good enough”.. I’ll never do this.. this is will never last…”

Do you believe them ..or do you watch them with curious amusement?

I choose the latter. I choose to watch the curious mind funks and moods which come over me. I embrace my lows and highs and dont label them as such. When beautiful blissful moments come over me.. I ride the beautiful wave of what is ..and drive through the crest of the wave. I hang high in the wave, and when the tide lowers.. because the ocean of life is forever changing, I shift too. No good, or bad, just change! Labels arise, patterns of thinking, and misery keep us stuck in the trough as human beings with out perpetual mind patterns.

It is only those who choose differently, choose acceptance of what is, and unconditional loving acknowledgement of these highs and lows that end up riding the wave higher and longer. These are heightened states of consciousness. And they are not just for monks and yogis, they are available to all human beings.

Society has taught you and me to hate ourselves! Yes.. you heard me., every self defeating thought or negative moment of self criticism where your stomach twists and you feel the old crap tape come on, this is self hatred. It can be broken, but it needs work, to undo years of damage, because you’ve been at this a long time, and by the time we are nine, we are already stuck on this train. The train of self loathing! We dont express ourselves anymore,we stifle the cry out in joy or pain.

For we have been taught to stifle these responses. We are very properly trained Pavlovian dogs. And salivate at all the rights times!

We want to be liked and accepted, so we dont want to make waves. And we stop thinking for ourselves. Who does this then?? Why mass media and mass consciousness.

We create endless emotional negativity, dead end broken record, bang the head on the wall thought patterns.. and we live this way our entire lives. If we marry a partner, who is another properly trained pavlovian dog, they will police these patterns, in both themselves and us. That outrageous, loved, purse that expresses are personality..that we decided to bring to the social event.. is shot down by our partner or others “as lame or someone will laugh at that.” The small star trek pin, worn on a coat, is not looked upon with admiration for a sci fi lover but with societally. programmed malice and a sarcastic grin.

Who said we were Oreo cookies that were all the same? Who said sameness is beautiful.. well I’d say literature does. Its true.. books like The Giver.. and the Orwellian 1984 totalitarian dictatorships in general.. these give a very rash, one sided, pronounced, view of this concept.

Whereas independent movers and shakers.. thinkers rock the boat.. and won’t be tolerated.. because the collective has created its own secret police force.. and it lies within each and every one of us.

Every society does this to some extent. But the spectrum is broad on a global scale. The is so subtle in certain places in Western Europe and Asia, that we may not notice it at first. Nevertheless its there, and its ugly horns burrow into each and every one of us.

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